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Selectmen Minutes 05/05/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 5, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Bette Bogdan, Richard Halloran, Barbara Frangione, Tom Houle, and Michelle Plunkett

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Department Heads: Gilbert Vien, Fire Chief; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; Jim Plunkett, Road Agent; John Dever, Building Inspector; John Martell, Emergency Management Director

PD - Chief Clarke reported the replacement of the departments copy machine for under $1,000 and requested that the bill be paid from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, designated for this purpose.  Motion Chairman MacCleery, second Selectman DeBold, as agents, the Board authorized the payment of the copier utilizing funds from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Chief Clarke updated the Board on the status of the renovations stating that Phase I is just about complete.  The department will be moving the office area into the bays as early as this weekend.  Prison personnel will be providing free labor on Phase II which will include the demolition of the existing office space and the framing of the new office area. Resident Dave Dobson and Chief Clarke will attend a training session that outlines supervision while the inmates will be on site.   To date the expenses have been $15,000.

BI - Mr. Dever reported he is keeping busy.  There are three new houses under construction to date.  Selectman DeBold forwarded the final correction for the Commercial Occupancy Permit to Mr. Dever for inclusion on the permit.

EMD - Mr. Martell requested an opinion from the Board as to the new proposal from Mr. Scheys to apply for FEMA Mitigation Grant monies to add a second story to his home and back fill the basement level due to flooding problems. The project must be submitted by the town on the Scheyís behalf.  The Board was in favor of drafting the Letter of Intent for this new proposal provided there was no expense to the town.

Mr. Martell reported the town has received the award of $5,000 in grant monies to update the townís Hazard Mitigation Plan.  A signed contract for consultant Hubbard to begin the update is on file.  John will be soliciting assistance from department heads as well.

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BOS minutes
May 5, 2009

Due to time constraints, Mr. Martell will not be continuing on the Road Advisory Committee.

HYW - Mr. Plunkett reported he has received all the quotes for materials.  His intention is to remain with the current vendors for the most part; picking up the material will save on costs. The Board would like to see the price lists.

Mr. Plunkett has received a 275 gallon, double walled, skid tank to use for off road fuel.  
Jim is looking into the purchase of a containment unit for the waste oil tanks.  This has been recommended numerous times by the Safety Committee and Local Government Center on previous building inspections.  

Mr. Plunkett attended the two day intersection study for the Rte 28 Corridor study project.  The town will receive the PowerPoint presentation detailing the results.  There was discussion of aligning the Depot and Main Street intersection and perhaps the installation of a light.  Due to the proposed development on Goboro Road at the Chichester line, a new traffic study will take place taking into account the summer traffic utilizing that road to access area campgrounds.

Questions from CLD Engineering regarding the Depot Street Bridge Repair project were discussed.  The Board does not want the road closed; will not require a bid bond; will require a performance and payment bond; the project must be completed by October 30, 2009.  

The highway department will be responsible for the tree cutting along the banking, stumps will not be removed.

The department has done additional work on Horse Corner Road in an effort to eradicate the water flow issue.  Mr. Plunkett recommended the installation of a catch basin.  

The chipping of debris from the December Ice Storm is completed.

Jim would like to dispose of the spare highway blazer.  Any and all parts that could be used have been, the transmission will be removed and stored for future use in one of two highway vehicles should it be needed.  The Board advised to bring the blazer to Whiteís Farm (State Surplus) to dispose of.

Grading is finished for now; one final grade for summer will be scheduled.  Sweeping is scheduled to begin in the next week or two.  Phase III of the ditching project still needs to be completed and repair of an abutment on Blackman Bridge is scheduled as well, along with half a dozen culvert replacements around town.   

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BOS minutes
May 5, 2009

FD - Chief Vien reported that the Arc Air Unit has been sold to Matt Cole for the $200.00 bid price.

The department has been working on a fire pond at the Heggie residence on Canterbury Road.  

LGC has informed the Chief that they will be settling the claim for the water damage and the Chief informed them the work is not slated to take place until after the furnace unit is replaced.

Selectman Jordan asked for specifics that generated a fire bill being issued to Brandon Giuda for a burn permit violation.  Warden Stock arrived at the meeting and outlined the circumstance of the incident.  The permit was issued by Deputy Warden Vien for the previous evening.  The brush piles were still burning after 9AM the following morning, the time which is stated on the permit when fires must be extinguished.  The homeowner was given a chance to put the fire out; however no equipment was readily accessible, leading to the department dispatching apparatus to extinguish the fire resulting in the bill being issued.

The Board inquired of the Road Agent and Fire Chief as to the whereabouts of the town owned potable water tank.  Chief Vien stated it was at his house because the former Road Agent had no need for it and was going to throw it away.  Chief Vien took it in case the fire department found a need.  At this point it may be needed by the highway department.  A request for use was received by the Selectmen from Kevin Mara.  Lisa was directed to respond to the inquiry.

FFW - Warden Stock reported he has issued four warnings this week and a second three strikes your out letter in addition to three fire bills.  

Subject: Cable Franchise Agreement negotiations
Present: Committee members Brandon Giuda, Paul Twomey, Bruce Dyke and new member Holly MacCleery

The committee has compiled the following points they believe should be part of the negotiations: upgrading the system from the 450 MHZ technology to 700 MHZ; free internet/cable hookups in all town buildings, increase in the percent awarded for franchise fees; service to all residents; elderly and disabled discounts; credit for service interruption beyond twenty-four hours; possible local access channel; more basic package offerings.

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BOS minutes
May 5, 2009

Mr. Twomey and any committee member available will be meeting with an LGC representative that handles community cable negotiations to discuss specifics.  The committee is also reviewing contracts from the Cities of Concord and Manchester.  They would like to talk with area towns that may be going through the process or just finalizing their negotiations.  Bruce Dyke will poll the Suncook Valley Regional Committee for input.

The group discussed holding public forums and perhaps a survey on the website to gather public input.  

On a side note, Mr. Twomey asked if the town would dispose of old tires that people are dumping at the end of Ring Road if he collected them.  Selectman Jordan explained the disposal form and process used by the towns to handle matters such as these.  
Subject: Personnel Matter
Present: Chief Vien & Darryl Wyatt

Fire/Rescue member Daryl Wyatt requested a non-public session with the Board and the Fire Chief to address a personnel matter.

Chairman MacCleery moved to enter into non-public session at 8:40pm, pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3, II, a, to discuss a personnel matter.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, the chairman called for the vote.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  All were in favor, motion carried.  

Motion Chairman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five (5) years.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

At 9:20pm, Chairman MacCleery moved to return to public session, seconded by Selectman DeBold.  DeBold - yes; Jordan - yes; MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.


Selectman DeBold informed the Board that the Parks and Recreation Commission would like to hold an informational meeting to discuss the request to expend $25,000 from the Parks and Recreation Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of surveying and engineering planning and design necessary to develop plans for additional recreational facilities at Carpenter Park.  This meeting was scheduled for May 26, 2009, at 7PM.

The Board reviewed correspondence from Doucette indicating that no unregistered vehicles remained on the property.  The Board deemed this matter closed.
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BOS minutes
May 5, 2009

Selectman DeBold reported he has met with Mr. Patten and has extended to him the end of the month to have the vehicles removed or registered.

Selectmen DeBold has not heard back from resident Daly regarding the glare issue from Weathervane.  Weathervane representative has informed Selectman DeBold that the light has been re-directed.

The Board reviewed a safety concern received from an employee and viewed the shelving in the pantry firsthand. Lisa was directed to employ the handyman to correct the issue immediately.

The Board reviewed the proposal from the Town Administrator to correct space needs in the Tax Collector/Town Clerk office and correct a source of heat loss in the Selectmenís Office.  This would involve giving up the conference room as a meeting room.  Chairman MacCleery was not in favor of losing the conference room space, citing the possible conflict of a Zoning Board hearing on a night the Grange is also meeting and offered to look into a blower attachment for the existing heating units in the front office.  No alternative plan for space in the Tax/Clerk office was discussed.  Selectman DeBold was in favor of the proposal stating the Board needed to give more consideration to the people who work in the building day after day than to us that meet once a week on a Tuesday night.  No decision was made this evening.  

Bette Bogdan inquired as to the status of trash removal assistance to a residence and what if any plan there was for the future.  Selectman Jordan has not finalized this matter as yet.
The minutes of April 28, 2009, were approved as written.

Mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $33,869.71.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   5/12/09

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold